
Showing posts from March, 2024


  Written By - Vedic Dharmi Ashish  Wisdom of women in Vedas: Often, this kind of false propaganda is spread by heretics like Muslims, Christians, New Buddhists that it is written in the Vedas that women have small intelligence.And to prove this, these people give evidence from Rigveda (8/33/17). Now let us review this mantra. Wrong Translation Of Rigveda (8/33/17) There are two words in this mantra of Rigveda "क्रतुं रघुम्" which has been misinterpreted by many Hindi commentators That women have less intelligence. For this reason, along with the contradiction in context of the interpretation of this mantra, there is also a contradiction in this interpretation with other Veda mantras. In fact, if we understand the context of this mantra, we will know the true meaning of the word "रघुम्" here. It is written in this mantra that Lord Indra has said that- "it is difficult for any person to control the mind of women."  Now all of you think that if in this mant

According to the Vedas, is the solar eclipse caused by a demon?

Written By : Vedic Dharmi Ashish       Often the opponents of Vedic Dharma accuse the Vedas that according to the Vedas, a demon swallows the sun, which leads to a solar eclipse. These people show wrong translation of Rigveda (5/40/5) to prove their point. Wrong Translation Of Rigveda(5/40/5) Many Hindi commentator of Vedas and even ancient commentator Acharya Sayana has also misinterpreted it. Deliberately did not reveal the meaning of the word 'स्वर्भानु', deliberately did not reveal the meaning of the word 'असुर' and inserted the mythological concept of puranas in the translation of Vedas. The Vedas should be explained as per the context.Here the context is about natural phenomena, so the explanation should also be accordingly. Now let us present its real meaning. In reality the word 'स्वर्भानु असुर' which covers the sun in darkness does not mean any demon here. Unadi Sutra Of Panini (3/32) According to Unadi Sutra of Maharishi Panini, the meaning of "स्

Scientific Error In Vedas Debunked (Part-6)

     Written by - Vedic Dharmi Ashish  Does the moon move in water according to the Vedas?   In the previous article, we had refuted the allegation of the "Veda Ka Bheda" website that in the Vedas the Sun rises in the ocean. Similarly, 'Veda Ka Bheda' website has also alleged that according to the Vedas, the moon moves in water. We will review this objection in this article.      It cast aspersions on the mantras of Rigveda (1/105/1), Atharvaveda (18/4/89) and Yajurveda (33/90). Rigveda(1/105/1) Acharya Sayana Commentry  Answer : First of all, Acharya Sayan in this mantra has not taken the meaning of "Apsu" from any liquid water, here he has used its meaning in the context of space because even in space we find water molecules, hence in the form of surface of water molecules Space has been described here and the moon moves in the middle of the space, this is its true meaning. Atharvaveda (18/4/89) Translated by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya Similarly, Acharya Shr