
Showing posts from April, 2024

Is There Human Sacrifice In Vedic Dharma

  Written By- Vedic Dharmi Ashish   It is often alleged by Muslims that Vedic religion has the tradition of human sacrifice.For this, these foolish people make futile attempts to prove their point by blaming the Purush Medh Yajna described in the Vedas and Brahmin texts. Real Meaning Of Purusha Medha : Giving wrong meaning of Purush Medha, these people say that "Purush" means The Male and "Medha" means its sacrifice which is totally against the Vedic grammar. Now we will explain the real meaning of the word "Medha" and also it's meaning as per Vedic grammar and it's context. Nighantu (3/17) Fifteen names of Yajna are mentioned in the Vedic dictionary Nighantu (3/17) by Maharshi Yaska Acharya. In this, one name of Yajna is Medha. But the thing worth noticing is that here another name of Yajna   is also mentioned as "Adhvar" which means violence-less . Shatpath Brahman(1/2/4/5) In Shatapath Brahmana also, Yagya has been described as Adhvar


  Written By - Vedic Dharmi Ashish Regarding the social status of women in the Vedic period, many scholars have agreed that the status of women in the Vedic period was very highest. Even B.R. Ambedkar has also written that in the Vedic period, women had all the rights equal to men. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches (Vol 36,Pg 502-503) But websites like Ved Ka Bhed are spreading false propaganda about the status of women in the Vedas.So some of the allegations of it which we will refute today. Have women been compared to dogs, crows etc in the Vedic scriptures? The Ved Ka Bhed website and other fool momins like Elaina Ali etc has objected to Shatapath Brahmana (14/1/1/31) on the basis that it compares women to dogs and crows and also calls them false. This website is spreading lies by just picking up one or two verses without reading its full context. Shatpath Brahmana (14/1/1/31) In fact if we read its entire context then we come to know the truth that here talking about ascet