Written by -Vedic Dharmi Ashish 

Fake Allegations are made on the Vedas through Ved ka bhed website that it is written in the Vedas that the Sun travels in a chariot drawn by seven horses.To prove their false allegations, these illiterate people gave proofs of Mantras like Rigveda (1/50/1) and Rigveda (1/50/8) etc.
Now we see the oldest commentary on these mantras by the 14th century commentator Acharya Sayana.

Acharya Sayana has not took the word “हरितः” here to mean horses, but here it has taken its meaning from the Seven rays of the sun (हरितः अश्वाः- रसहरणशीला रश्मयो वा). Here Acharya Sayana has clearly written that the seven rays of the sun which dry up the waters, are therefore called Harithah.
The same thing is also written in Nirukta (4/11) that the sun's rays dry up the waters, hence it is called Haritaah.

Unadi Sutra(3/93)
According to Unadi Sutra, the word Haritah also has another meaning, color. Therefore, Sapta Harit in this mantra Rigved (1/50/8) can also mean seven colors of sun rays.

And in the same way the word "रथ " has also been interpreted as "अवस्थितमिति शेषः" means the rest of the space. ie the path through which the sun moves in its orbit has been given the simile of the word "रथ".From this proof we come to know that here in the Vedas metaphor has been used in the context of Sun and it's rays.

Nirukta By Dr. Jamuna Pathak
Similarly, Maharishi Yask Acharya in his Nirukta (4/27) has taken meaning of seven Ashvas to the seven rays of the sun.

In Nirukta (4/26) also clearly mention about that the seven rays of the Sun.
Even in Rigveda (1/115/3), Rigveda (1/164/2), Rigveda (1/164/3) the sun's rays have been called "Ashva".

RIGVEDA(1/115/3) By Acharya Sayana
RIGVEDA(1/164/2) By Acharya Sayana 

RIGVEDA(1/164/3) By Acharya Sayana 
Acharya Sayana has interpreted the meaning of the word "Ashva" for the rays of the sun in this mantra is from the root words of Sanskrit "अशू व्याप्तौ"(According to Unadi Sutra Of Panini 1/151). 
Unadi Sutra Of Panini (1/151)
That is, the rays of the sun have been called "Ashva" because the rays of the sun are pervasive.
Acharya Skand Commentry On Nirukta (4/27)

Acharya Skanda Swami also in his commentary on Nirukta (4/27) has given the meaning of the word 'ashva' as pervasive.

Nirukta (2/27)
It is also written in Nirukta that the one who spread in the destination path is called "Ashva". According to this adjective, when the rays of the sun also spread in all directions at a fast speed, therefore in the Vedas, the rays of the sun have been given the adjective of "Ashva".
Gopath Brahamna(2/3/19)
It is clearly written in also Gopath Brahman that the Sourya(सौर्य) i.e. brightness or rays of the Sun is called "Ashva".

The website 'Ved ka Bhed' has also written that in the Vedas described as Sun having a thousand rays and not 7 rays. First of all, this fool does not know that the word "Sahasra" in the Vedas does not just mean a thousand, "Sahasra" also means infinite or unlimited. So There is a description of the Sun having unlimited energy, whereas in other mantras of the Vedas like Rigveda(1/105/9), Rigveda(8/72/16) and Atharvaveda(7/112/1) There is a clear description of the 7 rays of the Sun.
RIGVEDA (1/105/9)

RIGVEDA (8/72/16)


Jaiminiya Upnishad Brahamn (1/9/2/8)

it is also described in Jaiminiya Upanishad that the Sun has 7 rays

Question: Now on this, the Ved Ka Bhed website also raised an ignorant question that if 7 Ashwa means 7 rays of the Sun, then how Seven rays can takes the Sun? it is illogical.

Nirukta (4/27)
Answer: First thing of all, it is written in the Vedas and Nirukt (4/27) that the cycle in the form of Samvatsar (year) moves by of the seven rays of the sun and the sun is decorated in the that chariot in the form of Samvatsar (year). Here it is not a matter of pulling the sun, but the light of the sun keeps the day going, due to which the cycle of time moves forward, such an explanation has come. The Samvatsar (year) which is form of the time cycle of is of 12 spoked, that is, of 12 months, as well as it has 360 spikes, which are called 360 days of the year.
Atharvaveda (8/8/23)
It is also written in Atharvaveda "संवत्सरो रथः" i.e. Samvatsara is the chariot in which Indra i.e. Sun is seated.
Atharvaveda (19/53/1) 
In Atharvaveda (19/53/1), the seven rays of the Sun have been described as horses in the form of time, who are driving the chariot in form of Samvatsara of our world.

Anyone with even a little knowledge of literature will understand that this is a metaphorical statement.

Mahabharata (13/158/20-23)
Similarly, in Mahabharata also, Shri Krishna has been described in the form of Surya and here also there is talk of Surya pulling the cycle of Samvatsara(year) with his seven Ashvas (pervasived rays) .That is, the year continues forward by the seven rays of the Sun.

CONCLUSION: This thing written in the Vedas has also been proved scientifically today that there are rays of seven colors in the rays of the sun.  This is not a scientific error but a scientific miracle of the Vedas.


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